Comedy Support Act

Mental Health

Being a stand up is socially isolating and can be a lonely place but it doesn’t have to be.


If you are a comedian with a Disability, Health or Mental Health problem/s and you’re finding things difficult with gigs you may qualify for support from an Access to Work Grant.

Claiming benefits

As a self-employed comedian you can claim Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) rather than Statutory Sickness Benefit.

Other Trusts/Funds

Details of other trusts and funds that are relevant to the comedy profession and to which you may be able to apply for support.

Keeping your accounts

Invoicing promoters promptly to ensure you get paid is important. Keeping details of expenses and receipts so you don’t pay more tax than you need to, is also important.

Tax and VAT

Tax Guidelines for comedians

Debt Management

Taking control of debt and lots of other money advice

Drugs and substance misuse

Getting help with drug dependence or addition and lots of other information


Tips on cutting down, giving up and lots of other information


Information, advice, support and free counselling for the prevention and treatment of problem gambling.

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